Tuesday, 24 April 2007

Tubey's done!

Tubey is now finished! I love the sleeves, they turned out really well, not so happy with the body though. It's a bit too baggy and makes me look a lil too chunky! Not really sure it suits my boobs either! Oh well, it's very cosy and warm so I'm going to see what I can do to make it fit a bit better. Considering sewing a gathered ribbon under the bust or knitting a belt to go around the waist at the moment. We'll see. Anyhow, I'll try to take some pictures of it to put up!

Another project is already underway - it's a bottle green wrap cardigan, I have high hopes for it! However I am kind of making it up as I go along so we'll see! I've just cast off the back, it looks really pretty, its knit in a really nice lacy pattern. More news of this soon! And pictures!

Wednesday, 4 April 2007

Knitty Knitty Knit......

It annoys me how few knitting patterns there are on the internet for things which I can actually see myself wearing. Everything seems to be either shapeless baggy chunky things or things which are supposed to be young and fashionable but.....don't quite make it?! Maybe there are better patterns if you buy them, but being a poor saving-to-be-student that's a bit too extravagant for my budget. Anyhow, I have found one pattern that is quite nice - and thus my current work in progress is Tubey from www.knitty.com. I'm changing it a bit though (never satisfied!), knitting it without the stripes and changing the shaping of the arms. I'm making it in a light grey colour, I don't own a grey jumper so hopefully it'll come out ok! I'm halfway down one sleeve at the moment, seems to be going ok.