Sunday, 29 July 2007

What Sunday mornings are made for...

I'm sitting in bed in my pyjamas, watching Black Books and knitting my jumper. Heavenly. I could get used to this no working lark!

The jumper is slow going at the moment, mainly because I'm surfing the internet too much and thus knitting a row about once every twenty minutes. Damn you, assorted knitting bloggers of cyberspace! This just adds to the pile up of things-I'm-going-to-knit-at-some-point-in-the-future....

I'm still 13952nd in the invite list on if its changed is my other new addiction.

1 comment:

Ilix said...

Way to go! Enjoy that time off!! BTW, your pics of the uni are lovely! I bet you will find some great secret spots when you live there!