Sunday, 2 September 2007

Knitting with a hangover = surprisingly productive!

First things first.....

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  • You signed up on July 28, 2007
  • You are #21240 on the list.
  • 9998 people are ahead of you in line.
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  • 36% of the list has been invited so far
I'm getting so close on the Ravelry invite line! Well actually, not close at all but hey, it's under 10000 now!

I went out last night and drank a little too much pear cider. I feel a bit icky today, but for some reason it's making me really motivated to knit! So I'm hoping the snuggly scarf will be finished by tonight, in which case I'll probably post again with pictures. And then start swatching......(duh duh DUH!)......

My beautiful Debbie Bliss merino aran! £1.50 a ball, got to love sales at the yarn shop.

I need to do some ballet practise as well today. I'm feeling quite disillusioned about ballet at the moment, it seems so unfair that you can work as hard as you can but you'll always be struggling against your weak ankles and wrongly shaped legs...oh well, I will persevere.

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